Zoom Mastery Playbook

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This Course Include

  • Expert-led lectures covering AI and ML essentials.
  • Practical projects for hands-on skill development.
  • Access to cutting-edge AI tools and software.
  • Engaging discussions and collaboration with peers.
Course Details

Course Details 

Welcome to the "Zoom Mastery Playbook" by Syntax Academy. This course will take you from a beginner to an expert Zoom user. Through a series of easy-to-follow videos, you'll learn all the important features and tools of Zoom. Whether you need Zoom for personal meetings, professional webinars, or interactive sessions, this course covers everything.Our clear and simple approach makes it easy for anyone to follow along. By the end of the course, you'll know how to use Zoom confidently for hosting and joining meetings.

What You'll learn

  • Get an overview of Zoom's offerings and pricing plans.
  • Understand the key components of a Zoom account.
  • Learn how to take and manage notes during meetings.
  • Ensure you're properly signed into the Zoom client.
  • Explore the features of Zoom webinars.
  • Adjust settings for a better Zoom experience.
  • Configure team chat and accessibility options.
  • Learn how to set up and use Zoom Mail.
  • Use whiteboards for interactive meetings.
  • Create and manage surveys within Zoom.
  • Handle your Zoom recordings efficiently.
  • Engage participants with polls and quizzes.
  • Start and manage basic Zoom meetings.Broadcast your Zoom sessions live.
  • Start and manage basic Zoom meetings.Broadcast your Zoom sessions live.

Course Contents

Take a look at our past student
Success Stories

This course is designed to help you independently whether you want to start an Amazon FBA account or if you are already doing it and need to improve your processes. 


Taking this course is not only about Shopify Dropshipping but also about e-commerce in general, which you will learn while becoming an expert in Shopify.


Doing the Excel Beginner course at Syntax Academy helped me do my job easier, faster, and cleaner. Thanks, Syntax Academy, for helping me work smart rather than hard.


Joining the ChatGPT for Writers course at Syntax Academy was a great decision. It made me better at writing, which helps a lot at my job. Now, I feel more knowledgeable and capable using AI tools to enhance my writing.


I use Excel at work every day. After completing Syntax Academy's Excel advanced course, I've become a spreadsheet expert. Now, I'm more organized, efficient, and valuable to my team than ever before. These advanced skills don’t come from years of experience with Excel; you actually need to learn them from experts, which is what Syntax Academy’s course is about. 


I'm amazed at how much I've learned and grown since enrolling in Syntax Academy's programs. The knowledge and expertise I've gained have boosted my confidence and set me on a path toward success.


Budget-Friendly Learning

How Syntax Academy Stacks Up
Against the Rest


$100 - $250

  • Lack of personalized guidance
  • Limited interaction with instructors
  • Insufficient focus on practical skills
  • Higher risk of dropping out due to lack of engagement



  • Tailored learning paths for individual needs
  • Engaging sessions with expert instructors
  • Cutting-edge curriculum reflecting industry demands
  • Affordable pricing without sacrificing quality
  • Access to a diverse range of courses and specializations
  • Opportunities for hands-on projects and real-world applications



  • Rigid schedules not suited to everyone
  • High-pressure environment leading to burnout
  • Limited flexibility in learning pace and style
  • Potential for financial strain with high tuition costs
  • Less individual attention due to larger class sizes