TikTok Ad Training Kit

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This Course Include

  • Expert-led lectures covering AI and ML essentials.
  • Practical projects for hands-on skill development.
  • Access to cutting-edge AI tools and software.
  • Engaging discussions and collaboration with peers.
Course Details

Course Details 

 Welcome to the TikTok Ad Training Kit! This course is designed to guide you through everything you need to know about advertising on TikTok. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, our step-by-step videos will help you create effective ads, manage your account, and optimize your campaigns. Throughout the course, you'll learn how to set up and manage your TikTok ads account and business center, ensuring your accounts are secure with 2-step verification. You'll dive into the specifics of ad formats, ad groups, and ad copy to create compelling content that resonates with your audience.

What You'll learn

  • Learn the basics of creating your TikTok ads account.

  • Discover how to establish a business center account for better management.
  • Secure your accounts with an additional layer of protection.
  • Master the art of scheduling your ads for maximum impact.
  • Understand the different ad formats available on TikTok.

  • Learn how to organize your ads into groups for better targeting.
  • Create engaging ad copy that captures attention.
  • Get detailed instructions on setting up specific ad groups.
  • Navigate the dashboard with ease and utilize all its features.
  • Understand how to manage your ad spend and bid strategically.
  • Discover tools and techniques for tracking your ad performance.
  • Gain insights from industry best practices to enhance your advertising efforts.

Course Contents

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Success Stories

Joining the ChatGPT for Writers course at Syntax Academy was a great decision. It made me better at writing, which helps a lot at my job. Now, I feel more knowledgeable and capable using AI tools to enhance my writing.


A course must be short enough to remain exciting and long enough to teach you what you need to know. For me, Syntax Academy courses have achieved that, and I keep coming back. 


ChatGPT has not taken my job; I tricked it to help me do my job better :) Thanks Syntax Academy, for teaching me how to do that.


This course is designed to help you independently whether you want to start an Amazon FBA account or if you are already doing it and need to improve your processes.


Data Champion, Data Guru, Data Zen, are all the names I am now referred to at work after I completed the Gen AI Business Intelligence and Data Management Architect course at Syntax Technologies. I'm more valuable to my team and company, and I'm excited to keep learning and growing.


After the first course I took at Syntax Academy, I became a subscriber because I could always find something new to learn and grow from. 


Budget-Friendly Learning

How Syntax Academy Stacks Up
Against the Rest


$100 - $250

  • Lack of personalized guidance
  • Limited interaction with instructors
  • Insufficient focus on practical skills
  • Higher risk of dropping out due to lack of engagement



  • Tailored learning paths for individual needs
  • Engaging sessions with expert instructors
  • Cutting-edge curriculum reflecting industry demands
  • Affordable pricing without sacrificing quality
  • Access to a diverse range of courses and specializations
  • Opportunities for hands-on projects and real-world applications



  • Rigid schedules not suited to everyone
  • High-pressure environment leading to burnout
  • Limited flexibility in learning pace and style
  • Potential for financial strain with high tuition costs
  • Less individual attention due to larger class sizes